Paperblog Men's Underwear Styles: June 2017

Friday, 30 June 2017

Regretting now? - 7 signs you weren't meant to be together

Isn’t it quite easy to raise hands and point fingers once a relationship dies? To talk about the other when everything comes to an end and saying that the other one was inconsiderate, insensitive, unhelpful and all the other allegations are more like consoling oneself for the same. Though, all we do it play the blame game to get rid of the pain that the broken relationship is giving, sometimes, it is all about the incompatibility that takes you away from your better half.

Regretting now? - 7 signs you weren't meant to be together

If you are someone who’s considering this, you must spot these signs (if there are any) and come to a conclusion before regretting is the only option you are left with.

Your lives are not aligned

When you two are in love, your lives are directed by the same force and lead in the same direction. However, if you aren’t meant to be together and things won’t work out for you, you would have a different perspective towards love, life and everything else. From having kids or not to have kids, everything that is supposed to be decided together, the difference of opinion would be a problem for you.

Spending time with each other is long gone

It is okay if you both are highly qualified professionals in your respective fields but if you still manage to spend time with each other, you will go a long way. If you aren’t sharing the habits that make your relationship go a long way which includes spending enough time with each other, you were not meant to be together. Because, if you did, you’d find a way to stay in touch with each other and find that few moments to be there for one another.

You feel stuck - all the time

There’s a feeling that you made a mistake by getting into this relationship when you’ve had a fight and then there’s this feeling that constantly haunts you. When the latter starts to happen, you need to let go of this relationship because there’s nothing left for you to hold onto in the same. Why put your peace of mind at stake when you know that these things have started to haunt you day and night? Let go!!

There’s nothing to talk about

Now there’s something that your interests are not common so you don’t have anything to talk about. Then, there’s something that every conversation comes to a blank pause where you just have nothing to say. That long-pause-and-no-answer moment takes a part of you every time that happens. And, when you cannot take a conversation forward, how are you supposed to take the relationship forward?

There’s no respect for you - at any time

Respect is probably the sole factor that can sustain a relationship for a long time. However, if you constantly feel that the other person is not respecting you or your thoughts and is being blatant/rude in the way of keeping things forward, this is not where you should stay.

It is a one-way traffic

Have you ever felt that you’ve been consistently putting in a lot of effort, however, there’s nothing from your partner’s end? This is the one-way traffic situation where it is always you want to make things okay between you two. There’ll be a time when you’d have to stop because you cannot clap with one hand and it’ll be the time when you have to let go of things.

Monday, 26 June 2017

Low rise underwear - Why wear them?

When I was in college and the men’s underwear industry was growing at such a fast pace with all the additions, I used to think - do we really need so many styles? However, then I started blogging and that too for a variety of underwear stores and now I know that - Yes! They are important.

Men's Low Rise Underwear 

Every designer underwear style is equally essential in their own terms of cuts, coverage, and design. The collection of men’s low rise underwear is one such upcoming style that is being adopted by a lot of men for its unique and functional properties.

Why should you wear them??

1. Because it rides low

The name itself says it all when it comes to understanding how this style works out for you. With a design that is made to ride low on the waistline, you are free to move around doing anything without the fear of the waistband popping out of the trousers and making it an embarrassing situation for you to handle. After all, showy waistbands are not in style anymore and are considered to be disgusting.

2. It gives you the boost to stay groomed

When you look forward to wearing a pair of men’s bikini brief or the pouch thong underwear where chances of skin exposure are quite high, you need to be prepared. Same is the situation with low rise pieces. When the bikini line is visible in the fabric, you are motivated to get it cleaned up in order to look appealing when somebody accidentally sees it or when your partner insists on getting cozy.

3. Can be worn with any kind of trousers

There’s not only a single type of trouser that men have in their closet. With a variety of them including Chinos, formal pants, low waist jeans, shorts and a lot more. From high waist pants to the extremely low waist pieces, you can team up the low rise undergarments with anything and everything. The actual motive is to make sure that the style is multi-purpose for every trouser.

4. Is not restricted to any particular style

If you are wondering that low rise pieces are intentionally made to fit a particular set of personality and their choices, you are absolutely wrong. The style definitely started with bikinis, but now you’d be able to find from the most conventional men’s briefs, boxer briefs to the sexier jockstraps and thong underwear as well. You can choose what matches your taste buds.

5. It’s within your reach

When something and very functional is introduced in the industry, it is obvious that it is quite expensive, making it a far dream for the regular men. However, if you search online, you’d find that the pieces are within your reach and can be shopped at discounted prices.

There are a variety of brands that master the art of crafting these products and you can choose from the ones that suit your needs. Do let us know your experience if you’ve tried them before.